
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fun Snow Day

Hello! I have been too busy to blog. Can you relate? With Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the activities that surround the holidays and getting ready for them, I just haven't had the time to stamp and create paper projects to share. It may be a couple more days before I get caught up.

Besides the holiday activities, I moved the contents of 2 rooms around in my house so that I could have a better work area for blogging and stamping! That has taken a week to accomplish and added to that I have a new computer which requires setting up and getting all the programs loaded and useable. I still haven't completed that whole process.

My husband and I took a break yesterday and went up to Mt. Hood to do some snowshoeing. The weather was perfect as was the snow.

I hope that you have spent time with family and friends and are just about ready to get back to paper crafting!

Have a blessed day,

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