
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Scrapbook Sunday # 3

For this week's Scrapbook Sunday I am sharing a Project Life page. I probably should share this on Thursday as a Throwback Thursday project because the Stampin' Up! set of Project Life cards were from the Holiday Catalog last year. The new Holiday catalog will be coming out in the not-to-far-distant-future. So this set of cards is not longer available, but we don't have long to wait for the new set!

Project Life pages are quick and easy to put together. For this page I added washi tape and an embossed glittery snowflake to the card in the upper right corner. Then I used the Project Life embellishment set for the center bottom card and added the 'DEC' and the '2013'. Also the little tag that is on the photo in the upper left pocket (Let's get festive) is from the same embellishment set. The card in the lower left pocket is for my journaling.

Have a blessed day,

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