
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Oldy but Goody #1

Pansies, Pansies Everywhere!

This pansy paper was so pretty that I just had to use it in projects, even though there are many new pretty papers to choose from.

As the title of this post suggests, I have many cards that I have made recently using some of the papers I have in my stash. 

I'm not going to give tutorials for this series of cards but most of you can figure them out on your own if you want to CASE (copy and share everything) them.

For many of the cards I have chosen to use Mojo Monday card layouts. It is a challenge sometimes to fit my stamps and sentiments to the layouts. I have enjoyed the challenge, for the most part.

Some of the stamps, papers and embellishments that I used in this series are not Stampin' Up! They are products that I have had for many years and I'm using them up. I have been creating cards for charities, so that is a good way to use the stuff that I have been collecting for many years.

For current Stampin' Up! products, click on the 'catalog' tab and then on a catalog. It will take you to my Stampin' Up! store.

Enjoy the day!

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